One of the questions you will find in Paper One will ask you about the presentation of the texts you are studying.
In the next few posts I am going to give you some top tips for improving your skills so you can work towards a grade C or above in the presentation part of the exam.
This text is not in English. That doesn't matter. Read it and pick out the important parts.
Fiiofjoqf oaigjqoe qeoigjq. Oeigjwe, wpj gwpr, wpjkgw wo wperotgt. pwjgwp
pjg pqjg pqwjg . Jwgjio gjetg wpe. KWION. oigjtg, ion, wpikgp.
pfjqe pifflekom. Owkg.
- gpwgpwkgpwrklflqlqel
- [gokvw w[tk
- fk vgkwekg[wetkg-[r
- etgkvw[eptk
Well, did you spot them? How? My guess is you picked out the words in italics, bold, capital letters, colour and the bullet points.
Many students in the presentation question of the Paper One exam pick out features like these and say something like, 'The writer uses italics to make the words stand out.'
Why doesn't this gain a good grade? Well, because as we have just demonstrated that you can say that about a text even when you can't read it!
Italics, underlinings, capital letters, words in colour, bullet points are all designed to make the words stand out. That's why they are there. You could say that without even reading the text.
Do you remember our two most important words?
Yes, a little voice in your ear should be asking:
So What?
The italics make the words stand out.
So What?
To draw attention to the word.
So What?
To draw attention to the word.
Better...but why make these words stand out?.
You have to explain why these word are important enough that they need to be made to stand out.
Remember, link to the purpose.
How will making these words stand out help the author achieve their purpose? That's what you have to decide.
By the way, bullet points are often used to sum up the key features, facts or arguments that are being made.
Next post I will be showing you how to tackle the other elements of the presentation question.
That's very impressive post.